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Localising messaging for market expansion with Zespri Kiwifruit


6 markets

Message testing launched in multiple languages across Thailand, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil and Mexico

Brand consistency

Localised messages developed and tested within a global brand framework

Message testing

Feedback received on how key messages and claims rated in terms of motivation to try kiwifruit

The Client

Zespri International is the world’s largest marketer of kiwifruit, selling kiwifruit in more than 50 countries.

The Challenge

We all know that in marketing, what works in one country may not in another, so to launch successfully in each market, Zespri set out to understand what messaging they should focus on in their marketing to a list of potential new markets.

The Approach

Using established global brand pillars, Zespri specifically developed and tested a range of key messages and product claims to understand what motivated local buyers across Thailand, Mexico, Brazil, India, Indonesia and Malaysia. Messages were translated and tailored for each audience including the addition of hashtags to leverage existing local knowledge and results.

The Result

While not surprising, while there were key messages that consistently resonated positively across all markets, some messages were not at all motivating in specific markets. This simple testing exercise avoided a potential marketing failure but ensuring the right marketing messages could be focused on in campaign and collateral development.

"Stickybeak allowed us to quickly and cost-effectively test our brand messaging in six future markets for Zespri. I found the platform intuitive to use, and found the chat-like interface an engaging and different way to gather consumer insights."

Denise Zhuang

Global Market Research Manager


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