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Helping LDWW survey parental attitudes to kids’ sport and socialising through COVID-19



Unpacking parents’ sentiments toward kids’ team sport and being a part of the community sport


Insights to underpin strategic campaign decisions.


Findings to help direct communications at the most resonant issues.

The Client

LDWW is a nationally recognized marketing and communications agency. They’ve held the title as the number-one ranked creative agency in the U.S., and are currently the largest independent communications agency in Dallas/Fort Worth and a top-100 in the country.

The Challenge

The pandemic had a huge worldwide impact on sport at all levels - not just for the professionals.  In many places, children confined to their homes were unable to play team sports and socialise with friends, while at the same time parents missed the overall community sports provide.

Aiming to quantify people’s desire to get out again to play team sports and socialise on the sidelines, LDWW got in touch with Stickybeak.

The Approach

As part of a project to promote youth football participation, specifically they wanted to know how much the pandemic had resulted in pent up demand for both kids to participate in outside activities, specifically sports, as well as parental desire to get together while their children played sports.

Stickybeak targeted moms from across the USA. The short, chat-based survey included a range of questions on childrens’ previous team sporting activities as well as their likelihood and preferences for future participation.

The Result

Survey results showed very strong positive sentiment around parental desire to be outside socialising and getting kids outside. There was little doubt that a high degree of pent-up demand was driving attitudes towards kids’ team sport and sideline social interaction. Moms also expressed a strong desire to see their kids playing more team sports - with football and flag football among the top choices.

Solid data that underpins a campaign strategy  is an increasingly vital part of producing impactful and effective campaigns.

Working with Stickybeak was efficient, cost effective, and provided results that validated our hypothesis and ultimately helped sell in our strategy to key stakeholders.

Brandon Smulyan



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