Now is NOT the time for learning on the fly and hoping that what you’ve developed is going to work.
- Check your creative is hitting the right audience
- Easy audience segmentation means you can quickly see which audiences your creative is most appealing to.
- Are you really hitting the right people? Or are you capturing a different group that you hadn’t thought of?
- Make sure your audience UNDERSTAND the offer/ creative/ campaign
- Fill in any gaps they might have in understanding your full promo offer. Maybe they’re not sure about the bundle? Or the bundle has something that puts them off? Or the pricing isn’t right…
- Tweak your copy or imagery BEFORE you hit ‘print’ or ‘send’.
- Avoid any mis-steps or misinterpretation from potential customers. If they’re confused then you’re not going to make the sale… OR you risk major customer service headaches afterwards.
- Give Retailers confidence in the promo offers
- Time is precious heading into the Q4 busy-season, and giving Retailers a quick summary that the promo you’ve got IS going to drive sales is the fastest way to get orders confirmed.
- Reduce the chance of them saying ‘thanks, but no thanks’...
- Give your internal team an indication of what the ‘hot products’ and potential slow-sellers might be
- Inventory management in Q4 is a huge headache and if you’ve done your testing you’ll have more confidence not only in your forecasts but also highlighting which products might be unexpected top-sellers that you need to make more of.
- No one wants ‘sold out’ or empty shelves so while you still have a little time, try to get an understanding of what your customers are most attracted to in your range.
- If you’ve got some potentially slow-sellers, your sales team can still look for new sales opportunities if needed AND manage the supply chain so the right stock is in the right place at the right time.
- Final testing on key promo activations - you only get one chance to nail your Black Friday activity!!
- Identify the most effective messaging
- Find out the promo bundles or offers that have the highest appeal - this could be add-ons, upsell, or pricing hurdles for free shipping.