The European Union’s Waste Legislation committed every EU country to strict reduction policies that are only now rolling out. In Austria there is now an import ban on disposable plastic products such as cotton swabs, disposable cutlery and drinking straws.
Future EU regulatory changes will mean that only reusable packaging should be used for 30% of cold and hot beverages by 2030 and 90% of large household appliance deliveries by 2030.
California now requires a 25% reduction of plastics in single-use products by 2032 — a first in regulatory efforts in the U.S. to restrain the growth in plastic manufacturing.
Here in Stickybeak’s home of New Zealand, the Waste Minimisation Act means that soon products such as PVC pre-formed rigid food trays, plastic drink stirrers and plastic stemmed cotton buds will no longer be permitted. Following this, all other PVC and polystyrene food and drink packaging must be phased out by mid 2025.
Globally, marketing teams will have lots of work to balance functional packaging needs with brand appeal and environmental impact - and the only constant will be change.
So how do you know if your packaging innovations, designs, labelling and shelf appeal works for your consumer?
You test them and you test them on a platform that is fast, cost effective and can get to pretty much any consumer group in any market.
Stickybeak tests design, logos, text, labelling, creative, shelf collateral and labels for some of the top brands in the world, and because we recruit our test respondents from social media, we can get to your target customer no matter how niche or where they live. And we can do that for as little as US$349 a test.