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Getting messaging right for the US market


Results back in days

In a few days, a quick read on the video was provided to the team

California targeting

From HQ in India all the way to the West Coast, USA - local feedback was gathered

Video testing

Appeal and key message take out feedback gathered

The Client

MTR Foods is a world famous Indian food company best known for its wide range of packaged food products, including spices, ready-to-eat meals, and more. MTR is wildly popular for being high-quality and authentic, and since its founding in 1924 has become an internationally popular choice among consumers from India to the USA. 

The Challenge

One of MTR’s most popular products is Badam drink - a rich and creamy ready-to-drink almond milkshake made from real ingredients. It’s sold all over the world, including in California - a long way from the head office in India where most of MTR’s staff are based. So when they had a 30 second film produced, the team wanted to pre-test it in California before they launched it to get some quick feedback from their target audience.

The Approach

With a clear objective to understand appeal and the key take outs from the film, MTR worked with Stickybeak to craft a survey that asked respondents how appealing the film was, the key messages they thought the film portrayed, and how likely they were to purchase Badam drink after seeing the film. MTR had some specific marketing messages in mind that it wanted consumers to take away, so we also tested for these.

The Result

In only a few days, the MTR marketing team had a report that gave them a quick read on how the film scored for appeal and what impression it left. This meant they could launch the film with more confidence knowing they had landed the key take outs with Californian consumers. 

“It was great to be able to boost our confidence in how the film would be received in California, as well as get feedback before the launch in time to fine-tune certain aspects so that we achieved our objectives.”

Ishaan Sehgal 

International Business Manager, MTR Foods


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